Welcome to the "Urban Plant & Garden Deck" by L.A.Deck: Here you will find images of plants in my small patio garden and in my home, along with tips on successes and failures of their care. You will also find notes and essays on the symbolism of plants and their links to history. I am inspired by farmers in my family, including my maternal grandmother Olive who has lived, worked, loved & raised children, animals & plants, in the beautiful Vermont countryside her entire life. Plants have been tended to at every home I have had and continue to nurture me with better air quality, and a sense of connection to natural elements, even now while I reside in the vastly populated urban setting of Los Angeles. This is my way to honor the roots that help keep me connected to my ideals, dreams & loves.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fern babies

Baby ferns curled up, awaiting birth into the afternoon sun. Fuzzy spiral hugging itself, no womb to protect it, only a new world to open into and begin to explore. It awakens slowly, becoming a part of the frond community it shares a home with.

Baby ferns are a traditional dish of northern New England, especially Maine, called fiddleheads. Though New England is my homeland, born in New Hampshire, raised in Vermont until 8 years old and then Maine through high school, I've only dined on fiddleheads once. They were delicious, but also dowsed in so much butter that any green would've tasted delicious. They reminded me of small sauteed softened brussel sprouts.

The fern frond seen below is what the white fuzzy baby fern above unfurled into. The baby spider found a new playground on the fern's freshly watered greenth, swinging from a thread, climbing and falling in repetitive game.

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